Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Slumdog Millionaire

As far as movies are concerned, brown people usually have a large range. Except for two essential brown movies, Slumdog Millionaire and Gandhi. Since Gandhi is usually also watched by a lot of white people, I'm just going to focus of Slumdog Millionaire. The day this movie came out in DVD, I swear, every brown family in the area went and watched it. And forced their children to watch it. And their grandchildren.
Because brown people are insanely proud of this movie, even if they don't really understand what the characters are saying in English, or even why they are talking in English if they haven't have any formal education whatsoever. It proves to them that the Western world does acknowledge their culture.
The main problem I have with the movie, as can be seen implied above, is that it is in English. There are beautiful movies that aren't English that the English audience can come to love (Pan's Labyrinth). Why is it in English? It doesn't give the plot any more meaning or strengthen the movie's film aspects.
If anything, this decision devalues the intelligence of the audience's ability to transcend language barriers.  
However, the movie is well-shot, well-acted and the like.
Perhaps even more important for the brown audience, it received recognition, something they can always brag about.
Watch the movie, or at least imdb it so that you can casually bring it up in conversation with your brown crush to demonstrate your understanding of brown culture.
And forever more shall Jai Ho be played at almost every brown wedding ever.

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