Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So many of you may or may not have read Christian Lander's hilarious novel, Stuff White People Like. It kind of inspired me to note the differences between the so called "brown" people of the world.
First of all, let's define a brown person. In this blog, they will be referred as anyone with brown skin, or from South Asia, typically India or Bangladesh, although it could be expanded to include Pakistan.
And even then, there are several different sorts of brown, each with their own special weaknesses and strengths. Let's define the four main types:
1. Fresh off the boat (FOB): These are brown people who just moved out of Bangladesh, or live in areas richly populated with brown people from Bangladesh like Brick Lane or Brooklyn.
2. American Bengalis: These are people who are usually second- or third-generation immigrants. These will often be patriotic about America, and despise anything FOBs do.
3. European Bengalis: These are often like American Bengalis, yet they seem more appealing because they are more sophisticated. Like American Bengalis, they despise FOBs.
4. Other: These are the rare Bengalis who live in other continents, such as Australia, Africa or other parts of Asia.
5. Bengali-Bengalis: People who are actually from Bangladesh.
Of course, since I've only lived in Ireland and America, I'd be a wee bit prejudiced. Also keep in mind that this only meant to be a joke. There's no seriousness whatsoever implied in these posts.