Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Caution. Do not hand a phone of any sort, especially your brand new smartphone or iPhone to a brown parent over the age of 55.

True story: Brown people love to talk. They will talk about almost any topic under the sun and they enjoy enforcing their opinions on everyone around them.

Case in point: My mother. My mother talks on the phone an average of 4 and a half hours a day. What does she talk about? You name it: politics, clothes, daily activities, and, the big one, gossip. She talks endlessly about this person or that person for hours at a time.

We made the mistake of giving my mom an iPhone. Now she FaceTimes constantly. She can't figure out how to take pictures, though she insists on trying to, and ends up taking 2 second videos. She subscribed to getting texts from a local hip-hop station despite the fact that she hates those "gangsters". Each month, she manages to go over the data limit but claims that she doesn't use her phone at all. Now I love my mother, but this is crazy.

Moral of the story: Just don't do it. Stick with landlines for brown parents.